Wildlife & Animal Removal Service in Los Angeles, Orange County, San Bernardino, and Riverside County. Please Call 1-844-698-7277

Raccoon Removal, Raccoon Control, Spreading Diseases 
Nuisance raccoons cause health concerns for You, your family and your pets. Most diseases are transferred only through direct contact, although the droppings within a structure can cause extremely harmful diseases (Histoplasmosis, Hanta-virus, Roundworm, Giardia lambliaetc.). Simply being near a raccoon is not considered a risk. Pets should receive regular vaccinations from your veterinarian to reduce risk. Report any direct contact with your pets to your county’s animal control office. Any human contact (scratch, bite, etc.) with raccoons should be reported to the county health department immediately as well.


Raccoon Removal and Control can help you get rid of raccoons out of the attic, chimney, crawl space, or yard. We provide humane raccoon removal, trapping, prevention and can clean up raccoon poop.​ We are the best raccoon trappers. We know how to keep raccoons away by using the best techniques available. Raccoons are usually labeled as a nuisance wildlife species due to their destruction and presence on private properties. The most common complaints include the following:

  • Raccoons digging up the garden
  • Raccoons rolling up the sod or grass
  • Raccoons living in the attic
  • Raccoons living in the crawlspace
  • Raccoons living in the chimney
  • Raccoons tearing holes in vents or roof
  • Raccoons tipping over garbage cans
  • Raccoons stealing pet food or bird seed
  • Raccoons entering through pets door
  • Raccoons dead in the attic or crawlspace
  • Raccoons presence alarming dogs/pets
  • Sick, potentially rabid raccoons

When this happens, many people wish to have the nuisance raccoon(s) trapped and removed by a raccoon trapping and removal company. We know how to get rid of raccoons in your yard or attic. 

Urban Wildlife Trapping Experts is a  wildlife pest control company located in Los Angeles County and Orange County. We are the best at solving conflicts with nuisance wildlife. My trained wildlife staff are licensed by the Department of Fish and Wildlife in California. We are highly experienced and can capture raccoons, remove raccoons, exclusion of raccoons, repair raccoon damages, cleanup raccoon poop, and more. We specialize in humane raccoon trapping and removal solutions to complete every job.  Basically, we can solve any raccoon problem at your home or business place. We are committed to providing safe, effective and humane solutions to all nuisance wildlife problems in private homes and commercial properties throughout Los Angeles County and surrounding area's (in California). Los Angeles Raccoon Removal - We know How-To Get Rid Of Raccoons - Raccoons in the Attic Raccoons on the Roof - Raccoons in the Yard - Raccoons in the Crawl Space - Raccoons in the Chimney - Raccoons in the Wall - Raccoons in the Pool


CALL 1-844-698-7277​

After receiving your call to us, our courteous and friendly raccoon removal staff will do an initial inspection of property, then only use humane raccoon removal techniques. The two most common techniques we use are cage trapping or removing the raccoon by hand from your property. We offer exclusion services to seal any openings the raccoons may have found or caused. This will keep other pest from re-entering your attic, crawlspace or walls on your property. Our professionally-trained wildlife raccoon specialist will do a good job taking care of you, your family, and your property.

We witness daily on how raccoons can destroy soffits, vents, screens and wiring. We know from firsthand experience that raccoons do significant damage to your home or business. Raccoons urine and fecal matter deposits can be a health hazard. There are many wild raccoons living in North America, some of which are dangerous or even rabid. Give us a call! We can arrange an inspection and a service call to remove all raccoons safely and humanely. We also can do repairs to keep raccoons out. Thorough attic restoration services are always a good option to eliminate any nesting, poop, and oils (pheromone). In minor cases, a light clean out will work just fine. Below is more information about how we handle raccoon problems. 

Hello I'm Johnathan
Our teams goal is to help educate people about raccoons in the city. We want to help you resolve your current raccoon problems. Then teach you tips to help prevent any future raccoons problems. We always use humane tools and techniques to remove all wildlife species in Los Angeles and surrounding area's. If you have any question about Raccoon Removal or Raccoon Prevention Techniques, don't hesitate to call us. We'd love to help you, it's what we do everyday. Thank you for visiting my page!.

Raccoon Trapping Methods

Do you need to trap pesky raccoon(s)?

Trapping raccoons is probably one of the most common raccoon removal techniques used nationwide by homeowners and professional raccoon removal companies. If you plan to do it yourself, you’ll want to know the law’s in your hometown or county. Call your city animal control shelter and ask. In most states and cities you cannot trap and remove raccoons without a license from the Department of Fish and Wildlife. If you’re not licensed by the Department of Fish and Game to trap and remove or relocate wildlife in your state. It is illegal for you to do any trapping and removal of raccoons yourself. In that case, you will have to hire a raccoon removal specialist. If you have raccoons in your house, attic, crawl space, wall, or yard, than trapping is the solution for you. 

Basic - How to catch a raccoon in a trap:

Step 1 - locate the area where the raccoons are most likely to get trapped. It could be on the roof, in your crawl space, or yard. Step 2 - Bait trap using peanut butter and sweet foods (avoid using meats, wouldn't want to catch a stray cat) Step - 3 Then set up a sturdy (12 x 12 x 32) raccoon trap(s) Step 4 - Check the trap at sunrise, we don't a raccoon(s) sitting in the hot sunlight all day. (Raccoons are nocturnal and will get caught at night) Step - 5 Remove the raccoon from your property. Step - 6 Repeat raccoon trapping steps if needed. Note: if you are getting rid of raccoons in your attic, search the attic for babies first and remove them by hand. Then place them in the trap as bait, to catch the mother raccoon. 


Raccoons in are fairly easy to identify, Raccoons have a black mask with a ringed tail. Raccoons will mature in about a year, and Raccoon may eventually reach weights of 20-45 pounds. Wild Raccoons live 2-5 years. It has been known that raccoons kept in captivity can live up to 20 years. Raccoons are excellent climbers and are very Smart. we can't forget how strong Raccoons are, they have hands like ours which allows Raccoons to get better leverage for their destruction to your home and property. Raccoons are Nocturnal, which means, Raccoons are most active at night, when you and your family are sleeping. Raccoons seeking Shelter, to hind during the daylight hours in thick vegetation, barns, chimneys, crawl space, walls, holly trees and attics. They are omnivores, and will feed on almost anything they can get their hands on. They are generally very smart and very intelligent. Raccoons very well in Comfortable with around people. Raccoons are opportunistic omnivores. Raccoons will take almost any opportunity to get food sometimes crawling through your pet doors or knocking over your trash cans. Like Opossums, Raccoons can be aggressive animals-especially when the raccoon is cornered or threatened. Raccoons will make their home in your attic, underneath eaves in your roof, in your chimney and even within your walls. We do not recommend you try to remove a Raccoon from your property on your own! A raccoon may have babies hidden in its nest, which an inexperienced trapper may overlook. When a mother raccoon is removed, the babies will die... this opens up a whole new can of worms for you, the property owner!

Get Rid Of Raccoons in The Yard 

Are Raccoons Digging Up  Your Lawn or Garden?

Raccoons love grass or sod. Hungry raccoons are eating the fresh worms and grubs under your lawn. Raccoon rolling up sod is probably one of the most common calls I deal with. Other wildlife such as opossums and skunks do similar, but do less damage to your yard then a raccoon would do. If your lawn looks like the photos above, more than likely, it’s raccoons. Urban Wildlife Trapping Experts can help you remove the raccoon rolling up or tearing up your grass. We will come out to your home or business place and help you take control over your property. How to catch a raccoon digging in your yard. Step 1 – Set up sturdy raccoon traps. Step 2 – Capture the Raccoons. Step 3 – Remove the captured raccoon(s). Step 4 – Repeat Raccoon Trapping Process.

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